How can parents follow up on their children's learning progress at Algorithmics?

"How can parents follow up on their children's learning progress at Algorithmics? This is a common concern for parents when their children attend extracurricular classes in a new environment. However, at Algorithmics, that’s not a concern, as the school regularly updates them on their child's learning situation. Parents can easily track their child's learning process, homework, projects, and development while they study at the school. Let's discover the journey to follow your child's study at Algorithmics!

Upon registering at Algorithmics, parents will receive a Parent Guidebook containing information about the unique learning platform at Algo and a form to connect with the school. Additionally, parents will receive an email with a student account that allows them to log in to Algo's platform, enabling them to easily follow up on their child's learning.

Throughout their child's learning at Algo, parents will receive regular updates on their learning status. After each module, the school will send an email or call the parents with the teacher's comments about their child's progress, including what they have learned, what skills they need to improve, and their strengths and weaknesses.

After studying at Algo for four months, parents will be invited to a "Parent Session". This is a special day where students present their technology projects to their parents and teachers, explaining what they have created, why they made it, the inspiration behind it, and how it works. Parents will witness their children's growth and feel proud of their accomplishments.

Let's take a look at a proud "Parent Session" event of the Algorithmics family!

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