What is ChatGPT? Is this a perfect solution or a serious hazard to your child's future?

In just two months, "ChatGPT" has become one of the most popular keywords not only in Vietnam but also worldwide. But what is ChatGPT, and how does it affect us, particularly children? Is it a perfect solution for securing your child's future?

What is ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT, which full name is Chat Generative Pre-training Transformer. It was created by OpenAI, one of the companies established by Elon Musk in 2015. Essentially, ChatGPT is a website that functions as a chatbot. It allows users to ask questions and receive surprising answers on a variety of topics. It can act as a poet, musician, essayist, letter writer, designer, and even debugger.

In many ways, ChatGPT can be considered an updated version of Google. It is like having a conversation with another person, and users can search for information or ask questions. However, it's important to keep in mind that ChatGPT is not infallible and may provide incorrect answers at times. Therefore, when using ChatGPT, it's important to verify the information it provides.

What is ChatGPT?

How does ChatGPT affect education? 

According to Bui Khanh Nguyen, an education specialist in Vietnam, ChatGPT represents the first step in a revolution of artificial intelligence technology in the field of education. This technological advancement has the potential to render traditional schools obsolete, forcing them to adapt to this new era.

As ChatGPT becomes more popular, the traditional method of rote learning will no longer be effective. Instead, students will focus on learning core knowledge, while AI assists them with tasks such as information storage, data analysis, updating, and processing. This shift also suggests that students' soft skills and abilities will become more important than certificates.

However, it's essential to remember that AI cannot replace certain essential skills, such as logical thinking, problem-solving, and other soft skills. Thus, traditional education is susceptible to falling behind, especially in the era of Industry 4.0, as online learning and robot teachers become more flexible and widely used.

How can ChatGPT affect your child’s learning?

ChatGPT has the ability to search and organize information on the Internet logically. This chatbot can provide near-instant answers to a wide range of topics, from difficult problems to vast subjects like physics, literature, social sciences, mathematics, and more. Essentially, ChatGPT can be seen as a massive information storage and synthesis tool, assisting students in locating documents and learning new information. Additionally, ChatGPT can also serve as a friendly companion, listening and providing a source of emotional support. 

The negative way that it affects children

While ChatGPT's intelligence can bring many opportunities and benefits for children, it also has its drawbacks. Children may become passive learners, overly dependent on the Chatbot and technology, and lacking research and self-study skills. Furthermore, they may resort to cheating during exams and fall prey to misinformation.

With ChatGPT, students only need to type in a question, and the Chatbot will provide them with answers or solutions. However, with every press of the "ENTER" key, the Chatbot may generate different responses, making it easy for students to cheat on exams. This ease of access may also contribute to a lack of motivation and passivity. Educators should be aware of these potential issues and work to find solutions to mitigate them.

Moreover, it's essential to remember that ChatGPT is still an artificial intelligence in development, and its responses may not always be accurate or reliable.


The advancement of technology is closely tied to the progression of social life. However, technology was created to serve human needs, and we must not abuse it or teach children to misuse it. In the era of AI, it's important to educate children on how to control technology by understanding its passive and active functions. Additionally, children should develop soft skills and mindsets such as logical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, self-study, and presentation skills.

To prepare children for today's digital world, parents can register their children for the technology and thinking skills test with Algorithmics. This will provide children with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the world of technology in a responsible and effective manner.

In summary, while technology has brought about many benefits and opportunities, it's essential to approach it responsibly and teach children the necessary skills to control and utilize it.

To prepare your child on the road to approaching today's digital world, don't forget to register your child to participate in the technology and thinking skills test HERE with Algorithmics!

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